2009 Pirated Movie Ranking Revealed 2009電影盜載排行榜出爐
[娛 樂]2009年電影盜載排行榜出爐
A website that specializes in the study of Internet behavior in the US calculated a ranking for the most frequently downloaded movies in 2009. The results revealed that Star Trek came in first place, with 10.96 million downloads. If calculations are made using the figure of NT$280 per ticket, this movie lost more than NT$3 billion in box office sales.
美國一個專門研究網路行為的網站,統計出「2009年被下載次數最多的電影」排行榜。 結果由星際爭霸戰以被下載次數1,096萬次奪得冠軍寶座, 如果以每場電影票280台幣來計算的話,這部電影損失的票房就有30幾億台幣。
Second place was the box office champion in Taiwan last year: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, which was pirated 10.60 million times on the Internet. Sherlock Holmes, which had only come out recently in Taiwan, managed to secure third place. Other popular films on the ranking included The Hangover, Twilight, District 9, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
亞軍則是去年在台灣的票房冠軍「變形金剛2復仇之戰」,在網路上被盜載了1060萬次。 新片「福爾摩斯」在台灣才上映沒多久,竟然也高居第3名。 接下來榜上有名的還有「醉後大丈夫」、「暮光之城」、「第九禁區」、「哈利波特:混血王子的背叛」等強片。
Though a higher number of downloads means that a film is more popular, the owners of these film companies must be infuriated after seeing these numbers, as these numbers represent lost profits to them after all.
was pirated 被盜錄 / 盜版
was (be V.) 是,pirate (v.) 盜錄/盜版,用法:pirate 原為海盜、劫掠者、掠奪的意思,因為現代盜版盜錄的行為猖獗,其行為之野蠻不當有如海盜之劫掠,所以被拿來做此比喻
A new music CD was pirated within days of its release.
managed to secure 試著保住
manage (v.) 設法/管理/經營/處理/安排,secure (v.) 弄牢/使變安全/確保,用法:secure 作形容詞時意思為安心、安全、無憂慮的,to feel secure 意思為有安全感,相反詞為insecure
She managed to secure a new contract in her job.
- Jan 12 Tue 2010 07:05